In the year 1989, young twins a boy and girl were born both
two months premature. The boy was the young Freddie Gray. They were so little
and fragile that they had to be kept in a hospital under care for a couple
months till they were big enough to be taken out. During this time his mother
was able to give her testimony toward a civil lawsuit on lead exposure. She had
told the reporter at the time that her two children were born she was not able
to read and had never even gone to high school. She had also admitted that in
her 20’s she had used heroine, this had lead people to believe that she had
used drugs during her pregnancy. Quite a few years ago when Freddie and his
sister had started to go to a school full of children kind of like them such as
being born premature and then there life being spent being exposed to lead poisoning
from the paint on the walls in there cheaper homes from where they live. At there
home. When Freddie started to go to school they say it didn’t take long for it
to show up that he has attention defict disorders, he also had impulse control
problems. He has not started out his life in the best way from being where he
is today. In the years that he was in school he had not managed to learn much
had was suspended from school a few times and then he also had a decent amount
of run ins with the police. He had been in trouble a lot by the time he had
finally turned 18. I think that because of his record though he didn’t deserve
what he got the day he died. Officers like are the reason white people are
being called racist. He never deserved to get beat up like that from what the
officers think. He didn’t seem like he was going to hurt them he was just
running. After they found no drugs on him but just a knife they could have just
let him go and taken the knife.

Friday, January 22, 2016
America rasist? No if you ask
anybody in the united states we are not a rasist country, but those people just
don’t know what is going on. They think they know everything, but they don’t.
there are many things that people say they know but they don’t. what does this
have to do with the NRA, well you guess is as good as mine.
People think that gun control is
always the way to go, but I beg to differ from that. People are way off. They
think taking our guns is the way to go, but that just gives people with guns
the liberty to come and kill and rob whoever they want to. So either way we are
going to be messed. Its not good to take peoples guns away or even to think of
doing it. If they try to do that there are going to be a lot of pissed off
rednecks that will shoot whoever steps on their property to take them. People’s
favorite thing to say I see on facebook constantly is “if you come to take my
guns, then you better bring yours”. I like that statement, because I more then
likely would do that to. I am proud to have my guns and use them the proper way
they are supposed to be used. We live in America the land of the free and the
home of the brave, so why don’t we live like the land of the free and the home
of the brave. We need to go back to how we were when our country was first
founded back in 1776.
The 2nd amendment also
states the right to bear arms well they can no change our first 10 amendments
or as in our bill of rights. It is what we were founded on, we need to keep it
that way and keep on keepin on with it. If they try to change that they I feel
everyone should fight back and take over the white house and congress, because
there are to much politics in that city. Politics are not bad, but there the
worst thing in the world when you are trying to change a whole country. Not
everyone will want to be that way and most the people that don’t are the ones
that are going to fight back at those people.
Lets vote for trump on making
America great again because he knows whats up, and he honest he tells us
everything that we should know he doesn’t make a bunch of stuff up like that
worthless president we have now as in Obama. He said all everyone wants to hear
and he got elected two times and both times he completely messed up twice. He
is by far the only person I hate in the world, he is the worst one in the
world. When people do things like he did, they are called fighting words in my
book. I think they are a bunch of crap. I hate how he runs that office, he does
it like he doesn’t know what hes doing he should and he is the one person on a
lot of people’s hit list.
But now back to the topic. White privilege
is a myth whites have no more rights then blacks, but the whites do believe
that they do have more rights. This countries back bone was built on the labor
of the blacks and by the whites just sitting there doing nothing and getting
angry because something wasn’t being done right. But I think that someday the
blacks will over power the white race. In the news you never see anything about
whites shooting whites, but the news is always full of whites shooting blacks
or when blacks rob places are the only things you see in the news. The news is
nothing but cruddy politics or racism.
Mass shooters are another thing
that is just a topic on who will be on the news next. Mass shooters are some of
the weirdest people you will see that are shooting people. They I think are
more likely to be the people that are the quite ones or the ones that are full
of anger at everyone. The main people that like to be like this are the ones
also that just sit back and listen to there music that is like hard hard rock. They
usually are ones listening to music that makes you feel like someone would be
getting shot in the music video. Those songs are the worst ones I have heard.
The NRA at this point are some of
the few people that know its not the guns fault that someone died. From a
bullet, it’s the shooters fault. They should be the ones taking all the
suffering, not the gun. For instance saying that guns kill people and taking
them away from the americans. That would be the same things as taking them away
from our troops because they use the guns to shoot people. Saying that the guns
are the killers is like saying that people are the reason that people are the
reason that the wind blows. It just don’t make sense.
Our future will be instore with
high gas prices no jobs and people being shot for the dumbest reason like he is
breathing my air. People need to do the dumbest things for attention and its
only going to get worse then what it is now. In 1944 18 year olds were men they
ran the beaches in the army in 2015 18 year olds are crying in the corner
because words hurt there feelings. I am tired of this, people need to learn to
grow up and not be a big baby. I for one think that discipline such as spanking
should not be child abuse. Parents should be aloud to do that. Just putting
your kid in a corner and everything doesn’t make them learn. They will be like
oh no I did something bad ill see you in an hour after I go sit in a corner and
lie to my parents by saying that I learned from this.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
article of deviance
There may not be the firmest evidence existing on body
piercing indicating mental illness. People with body piercings have doctors
curious if they have high-risk behaviors. It was a proven fact that women
actually get more piercings then men will get. They believe that piercings lead
to all sorts of “potentially harmful behaviors, such as alcohol, smoking,
drugs, high-risk sex, Russian roulette and gambling”. There were plenty of
studies done on the body piercings, mostly on women and these studies had
showed that they are common around women with low constraint. These piercings
are found on young girls that are highly negative emotionally and when they
have low positive emotions. These girls are the ones most at risk. There have
been 23 published studies on men and women with body piercings. Most kids seem
to be more deviant when they have body piercings just because people assume
that body piercings mean all these kind of things but I feel that its more on
the young girls just doing it and putting on a show for attention. That’s what
goes on mostly I think that they just have a good home or a bad home and they
just think that they want if different then what it actually is. I know a few
people that have body piercings and just things that everyone say are deviant,
but I don’t think that’s how it is. I think its just people that are doing
things for a show, or to look “cool”, but I t think that it just looks dumb.
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