

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

civilized or savage

Well if we cant keep our savage self away from the civilized self then one of them will end up taking over and showing how we act in one way.  I believe the one that ends up being the one you act like such as the savage or civilized self is going to be the stronger one.

I think that your savage self has a tendency to be stronger then your civilized self when you are away from civilization such as when you are away from the cities or from other people for a while. Such as if you live out in the wilderness you would have to learn how to do many things and what you are going to be doing to survive. If you are used to the city and you don’t know what to do when you loose your phone and everything you got to learn how to adapt to not having any of the perks of the electronics or everything you  had before.

I think it depends more on the person to whom takes over from the civilized part to the savage part. I would be more of a savage. Because I am not any sort of city slicker. I would rather be out in the country back in the trees in the hills and live in a little homemade cabin.  But to some people if they were used to the city they would go and try to imagine they are just at a resort and try to make the best out of it and then end up dieing because they don’t know what to do besides panic and try to make the best of nothing when they could almost make they best out of what they have.

I think it would be more of the savage taking over because it is usually more ruthless then everything else and shows up a little more by some thing you go and do.

1 comment:

  1. I have never looked at it from the point of view that isolation may make a person adapt from civilized to savage. It is an interesting theory and would make a good paper. I do agree humans are very adaptable and if that means becoming a savage to survive they will.
