

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

me project

My heredity I am built like my dad and act kind of like him in some sort of ways, I also look a lot like him, but I have curly hair and he has really straight hair. I am kind of nice like my mother since I have been around her most of my life, and haven’t been around my father much. I am like my dad I don’t like to be forced to do things and I don’t like to go as see people I don’t want to be around.  I tend to be like my dad by his work eithic, him and I both work a lot and as much as we can to have a decent amount of money

My birthorder, I do believe that my birthorder does matter. I am the middle child  of two brothers and I feel like the out cast of my family. I am nothing like my brothers I am my own person and like to stick to myself and go out and do my own thing. I tend to blend in with many people, I am independent, I am kind of creative with things I like to go do, I don’t like following rules that I don’t personally agree with. I do tend to sense what people think.

My environment has helped make me who I am today. My life has been full of things that have shaped me. I am completely made to be my own person I like to work on my own and do all my own stuff because I don’t like to rely on others to do things for me. My parents were divorced when I was younger from how my dad had treated my mom and I feel that hadn’t affected me right away, but in the long run I feel it has helped me decide that I don’t like to be around a lot of people. Me not being arouned my dad has helped me to not be completely like him.

My parental characteristics I am a lot like my dad in many ways, but in other ways I am kind of like my mom. I am not one to be like other people I like to be my own person. Do look a lot like my dad. But I am kind of like him.

In conclusion I have told you who I am like and what I like to do and how I got to be this way. I have been shaped by what I have gone threw and by who I have been around. I am my own free person and will never be like anybody else in the world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

veterans day blog

Well my way of thinking isn’t really the same as everyone else, but here we go. What are my thoughts on murder charges during war? Well I think that during war you have a lot of stress on your shoulders and a lot of things on your mind. So you don’t always think well and you end up getting kind of paranoid. So you don’t always make the right call. For instances such as how he had made his call to shoot the 3 men. But they ended up not being a danger to him, but most people would think the same way he did. Because of how many things happen when your out on the line and thinking of the fact you could die you would shoot whoever you had to just to stay alive. If I was him I would have done the same thing and I would have fought it. If any other leader higher up did it no one would hear about it.

Soldiers that come back from war are sometimes as you could say “brain washed” such as that they only know war and they don’t know how to adapt back to civilization. Like a lot of soldiers have PTSD and they struggle with a lot of depression and just don’t know what to do and are scared they are always under attack. Sometimes they get so bad that they become suicidal and if they don’t seek help it gets really bad. A lot of people with PTSD can become alcoholics and are also just extremely depressed.  

Monday, November 9, 2015


Racism? What’s that? Ever heard of it? Well now you are going to hear about it. Today you are going to be learning a lot about it. It is where someone hates another group or color of people in the world. For instance these days and back many years it has been black African American’s. People don’t have a reason to hate them they just stereo type them all, there are many jokes and people that just stereo type all of the African American’s in the world. There are a lot of people that aren’t very nice about it and just hate them with a passion just because of their relatives. Such as the ones that ran plantations way back in the day. Like back in the day they had the KKK and they would burn and hang black people and there are also people that just don’t like them still and they would be Italians such as in the movie we had watched a Bronx tale. 

In the movie there were black kids that had constantly road by on the bus that “C” dad had drove,  but C didn’t mind the black people so he got along with them as long as they didn’t get mad at him. But I believe you share the values of the people you are around most of the time. For instance he didn’t mind them and neither did sonny and his mob, and he spent most his time with them. But his friends hated the blacks and they were just around each other and thought that all Italians hated the blacks. But there were a lot that just didn’t care either way.  It was sonny that got C to like and be able to be around African americans, and then he ended up dating one and turned out to become really happy.

Like I said that people are still racist, but there not as bad as they once was. The govt. helps people such as minorities and gives them government jobs so then they know they will always have work. They also will help and work and just do what they are told to go do. Some people want to have all white communities like on article number two the person said “ that it is an older city and they the suburbs are mostly white and east asia.” But I think its like that because they might not want to many African Americans to come move in there, unless they are getting hired by the government.

I think in the first article they had come up with the best thing to say, they had said that there are still a lot of names that start with black such as the “black sheep, black market, black mark, and the black way”, they are still not the nicest thing to say, but that’s how they have been for years since they have been in the civil war and when they were all stuck working on the plantations for free and if they tried to run or anything the were killed and/or whipped by the owner of the plantation.

In todays world the racisim isn’t just toward black people and Hispanic people. It is now starting to go toward the Caucasians. There are some racist words or sentences such as the white flight is one thing that I had read in the second article. They are trying to tell me in this article that white racism is wrong and against the law. Well I think all racism should be against the law. It said that black racism is more like a self-esteem booster. Well I think that they are all wrong. This just shows that our culture is still not liking the blacks and that they are just minorities and cant do anything right and all they know how to do is steal things. There are a lot of jokes and references towards black people. I have had some experience with people like that. They are my two brothers they are the more rasist people you will meet and talk to.

There are lots of people in the world that are racist and think that every little thing that has to do with a native American, Black person, and Hispanic person. They always believe that they are racist and have to change for the public. Such as the brittion hecla braves should change there masckot just because it’s a native thing. So they get angry and fight till they get what they want. Some people believe they are right everytime so they will make everyone think there right to so then they can get and do what they want in the world. Well to be honest I think that people are who they are and that if something is already done and if you have to literally fight to change it they you probably shouldn’t be trying to change it because it just means you are just fighting against a bunch of spoiled people.

In conclusion I have said and told you about a lot of different things in the world about racism and how it really hasn’t changed much if any at all that that everyone still has a lot of bad things to say that should just be kept to there selves, but there are also some few good things they have said, but not many. Now I think after reading some of these articles I do have a lot of things that I have said that aren’t the nicest things, but I respect minorities when I see them in public and I don’t say anything bad to them. I think many people should learn how to grow up and live in the days now and get rid of all these terrible racial slurs. There are many thing that our country could do and learn to do to get rid of everything. So there are many things tht I have learned and that I can still learn.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Truths/ reality
Better food
Improved nutrition
Be smarter                           
Making money
Voted for Obama
Better life
Longerily of life
Won’t help income in adult hood
Improve life and help in the long run
People are lazy
Some people have some stuff wrong with them such as disabiliaties
Welfare means you don’t have to go to work
People still can work they just can’t make more money in a year then a certain amount


Well there are many things in this world that everybody will disagree with and agree with. Well I am not agreeing with welfare. I think it gives people a reason to go and cry about made up problems just so they don’t have to work and just want to sit on there lazy bum at home in there recliner with a back of Cheetos puffs that they got for free from the government. I am more going towards bill Clinton. I don’t believe in welfare it is almost pointless. I think that it should be taken away and the only people we should help with it is the people that have legitament disabilities. Such as people that can hardly go anywhere or the ones that just have a lot of broken things that can’t heal or the things that the doctors aren’t able to fix. Sure I know that someone will read my blog and will try telling me that I am stereotyping people on welfare. Well maybe I am, but I am just speaking or saying what I think and who I agree with not everyone will ever have the same views as me, but I wont have the same views as them either though.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

civilized or savage

Well if we cant keep our savage self away from the civilized self then one of them will end up taking over and showing how we act in one way.  I believe the one that ends up being the one you act like such as the savage or civilized self is going to be the stronger one.

I think that your savage self has a tendency to be stronger then your civilized self when you are away from civilization such as when you are away from the cities or from other people for a while. Such as if you live out in the wilderness you would have to learn how to do many things and what you are going to be doing to survive. If you are used to the city and you don’t know what to do when you loose your phone and everything you got to learn how to adapt to not having any of the perks of the electronics or everything you  had before.

I think it depends more on the person to whom takes over from the civilized part to the savage part. I would be more of a savage. Because I am not any sort of city slicker. I would rather be out in the country back in the trees in the hills and live in a little homemade cabin.  But to some people if they were used to the city they would go and try to imagine they are just at a resort and try to make the best out of it and then end up dieing because they don’t know what to do besides panic and try to make the best of nothing when they could almost make they best out of what they have.

I think it would be more of the savage taking over because it is usually more ruthless then everything else and shows up a little more by some thing you go and do.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

28th amendment

In this amendment the 28th amendment I am going to have the buying tobacco age lowered down from the age of 18 down to the age of 16. because most people usually start these kind of things while they are young. I feel that 16 would be a good age to be able to buy it because they are pretty much old enough to make their own decisions and choose what they want to do. If someone starts at  young age they will just have someone else buy it for them so it wont change much but it will make is so people will get less minors from things like that. It will help with a fair amount of court cases. If someone wants to start to use tobacco products they will do it whenever they want to go and do it. This is America and they will go ahead and do what they want when they want.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


The 3 amendment was made during the revolutionary war. It was made for troops to stay in everyones houses. In todays day in life we don’t really use this amendment. It is just not a big thing to use. There aren’t any current issues of this amendment.

The 4 amendment was also made to protect peoples rights and security and privacy in there own homes.  They are secure from the government and other people so they can have privacy. This amendment was made so no one could intrude into your house so you can keep your privacy. It means no one can intrude into your house unless they have a search warrant. If they believe you have drugs or illegal supstances in your home they can get a search warrant and walk right on in.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


 BARNGA-Reflect on the card game we played in class.

•If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be?                               difficult

•What did you expect at the beginning of the game?     A challenge

•When did you realize that something was wrong?         Next game

•How did you deal with it?          Just played how I felt

•How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling?                                Made it more interesting and irritating

• Is my title above appropriate for the game of "culture."  Why or why not?        Yes, it is quite the bargnga for such a game

• Is a universal language and set of customs necessary for world peace and harmony?   You learn to adapt to other peoples customs and how they are

• What can a simple card game teach us about our culture?         That we all like to use our same culture and tradition doing everything.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

bacha baze

Well I was reading this article on bacha bazi. It was pretty messed up, it was about how for years in the afganistan culture they would take children and rape them. They had said that it was literally called boy play.  That wasn’t wrong enough I guess so then the American soldiers were told they had to look the other way so they couldn’t do anything about it. One person that couldn’t take it anymore was dan Quinn who used to be a special forces captain, he beat up an American-backed militia commander for having a boy chained to his bed for a sex slave.

Some of the sociological aspects from this like are how you get some of the images from it and what they were doing  to the children. Some of the other things are like the mindfulness of the situation. Put yourself in the child’s shoes or in his parents shoe’s on whats happening to him. Just imagine what is all happening to those children and how they are to young for these kind of things and that they shouldn’t be doing this anymore and that they should try to get the children out of this so they don’t have to suffer from it anymore. The mindfulness too. People should have some mindfulness of this and whats all happening.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

lord of the flys blog quiz

Dear aunt,


Well today we have been hanging around and jack is still being a tool. He always wants to be the leader but hes not good at all at that.

Ralph he is so smart and knows about everything he is doing and he is a great leader. He had helped us make fire and we got it going right at night and when it was going all of a sudden a bunch of beasts started to come out of the trees and it really frieghtened all of us. Also, a bunch of creepers started to appear also.

Simon he is very smart guy and knows how to do a lot of things.

We had found this thing by the shore I looked like a shell so I went and picked it up. It was a conch! It was amazing, but then I tried to blow in it and I couldn’t do it because of my azma, so I gave it to ralph and let him use it. Everytime we blew the conch there seemed to be people that would come out of the trees.

We had made fire and that was the best thing ever to have out there because it kept us warm and it gave us light. But the fire had exposed us to the beasts and the creepers, but the next day in the light it was all gone. the light had almost seemed to attract everything thing we didn't want to come, but there wasn't anything we could do about it, but just lay there and live with it.

The beasts were some really scary snake looking things in the trees that had seemed to like come down and come toward us but nothing was coing toward us. The next day it seemed that the snakes or the beasts were actually vines hanging from the trees.

The creepers were little things on the ground coming toward us from what it looked like and they were really scary. But the next day in the light it seemed that the creepers were actually undergrowth.

Now none of us are getting along and are trying to use the people that come out of the trees. We are sorting them out into our groups by how we like them and whos party they choose to join. Now our little groups are to see if we can make our own ways to do things.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Today in this blog I will be talking about what we have learned and what we have to do on this blog. We need to talk about how we can use macrosociological and microsociological. Micro is for social interaction and how we can talk to people socially. Macro is study of larger scale objects such as a city.

Micro is social interaction. Such as when you talk to people and learn many things. You learn more things from talking to people or seeing how they do it in person which is all social interaction. And you can learn how to do certain things that you could never teach yourself how to do. Such as working on cars and other things like that it makes it easier to learn when you ask someone how to do it or have them show you what to do.

Macro is larger scale like the city. You learn some things from the city but not as much as you can learn from small towns. Small towns will let you learn more and how to do mre because people will know you and know how you learn. And when you can live in a city you learn more about what you do for more  higher end jobs

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I agree with how the guy was talking about how we take things from other countries and make them poor but then other countries will do the same thing back to us. Our country had been a very forceful country and it has done a lot of good and helped a few people out to. We have one our share of the wars but we also lost our fair share.

                I have done a lot of things for this country, but I havn’t done as much as most people. When you go ahead and atleast try it you can easily gain some ones trust or what ever just so you have someone that would do it easily.

                I believe that when someone has an initative to do so they can do anything for anybody. Such as if you wanted to you could change the world or atleast make a difference or even atleast make a difference in someones life or day.

                I see myself fitting into the big picture of society by fixing things fro people and just helping people when they need it.

                I am agreeing fully with that video we had watched and read that paragraph and learned some of the things I can do for people to help them out. Or how to make someones day. Such as that man that walked up to the kid and asked what he was doing when he was making the starfishes day. And keeping the animals happy by saving there lives so they didn’t die. And the old man finally realized what he could maybe do. There are a lot of things you can do to help inspire people to do nice things and help make people happy.

                All in all I am fully agreeing with everything we watched and read on here.